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Yoga Schedule 4/6-4/10

Hello Tribe,

It seems like we are living in an alternate universe. The world has truly come to a halt and there is no more important time to center yourself and ground yourself in the present moment. With so much uncertainty around us, we can still access our peace within. As we enter the "peak" of this pandemic, we must go within to find the strength, the courage, and the hope to stay positive and weather this storm. Calm seas never made an experienced sailor, and we have been practicing together these past months and years to build our tools of peace. I will also add a Yin yoga class on Thursday evening at 7:30PM. To help unwind, destress, and float to bed :) I believe that Zoom now is requiring the meeting password to be entered when coming to class, so just make sure to check your email for a meeting password once you register for the class.

I've been thinking about the donation amounts for non-tribe members and due to the numerous people who are now out of work, I am asking that the class donation be what is comfortable for the individual. So whether it is $1, $3, $5, $10, give what you can. The story of a widow's mite from the Bible came to my mind. The story in the Bible says that as Jesus was teaching at the temple in Jerusalem, he observed as the patrons would place money into the treasury. He noticed how the rich would come and place large sums in the treasury. Then a widow came in and placed two small coins worth very little in the treasury. Jesus called to his disciples and said "This poor widow put more in than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they all have contributed from their surplus, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood."

My point using this example, is that it is not the amount that you give that matters, it is in the act of giving, of handing over, and of surrendering, that you receive.

This week we were able to contribute a total of $80 to the CFBNJ! Thank you so much for your donations!

Here is the Zoom Yoga Schedule for the week, please click the links to register for each class you would like:


Vinyasa 5:30-6:30PM:


Vinyasa 8-9:15AM:

Chair Yoga 10-11AM:

Vinyasa Yoga 2-3PM:

Vinyasa Yoga 3:30-4:30PM:


Vinyasa 9:15-10:15AM:

Vinyasa 5:30-6:30PM:


Vinyasa 8-9:15AM:

Chair Yoga 10-11AM:

Vinyasa 2-3PM:

Vinyasa 3:30-4:30PM:

Yin Yoga Special Class: 7:30-8:30PM:


Vinyasa Yoga 8-9AM:

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